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RECIST360 Report tool demonstration


RECIST360 data cleaning and oversight – lesion & response visualisation tool allows for full reporting capability. The video below shows some of the reporting features:

  • easily produce visually interactive reports

  • print reports for single or multiple patients across any sites, countries, treatment plan, etc

  • user can tailor reports to display findings aimed at different user groups (DM, CRA, physician)

  • printed reports can be archived as per client SOPs as proof of oversight, for example


Reporting video

NEW! Want to edit these outputs yourself?  Try RECIST360 beta!  

Our FREE, no registration, online beta version! Read more

Tool Icons

Icon reference list

Derived data

This icon denotes that the data displayed on the row has been derived from the RECIST360 program.

CRF data origin

This icon denotes that the data displayed on the row is CRF in origin.

Expand key

This icon reveals what the icons below it mean (ie, CRF or derived data in origin: icons explained on this page, above).  This functionality is available in the main RECIST360 tool only. 

Change view

Change the amount of tabulated data on view to suit your own preferences. This functionality is available in the main RECIST360 tool only.

Findings alert

This icon denotes that there exists a ‘Finding’ (data discrepancy) or a user note on this visit or cycle.  


This icon summarises the number of open, closed or pending ‘Findings’ (data discrepancies) or a user note for the patient.  

Frozen derived

This icon is a flag to explain that the patient has already either experienced PD or CR at a prior cycle / visit and that RECIST360 calculations are ‘frozen’ at the prior timepoint value.  For example, RECIST360 developers take the notion that a patient experiencing PD would not expect to continue to have derived calculations that then ‘permit’ an eventual CR being derived by the program. Nevertheless, all graphics, Nadir and changes from baseline continue to be calculated and displayed for patients who continue lesion and response assessments following PD or CR events.


This icon helps visually explain to the user of RECIST360 that this is the point in time the patient has their Nadir event.  This icon will move in refreshed reports providing the patient has not experienced PD or CR.  Therefore, for patients who have experienced PD or CR, the Nadir event icon will always rest at a point prior to that moment.

PD boundary

This icon and dashed line represents the PD boundary.  It is present as a visual aid to identify, via the graphic, when the sum of all lesions enters this zone. This icon will move and reposition in the timeline if a patient experiences a new Nadir at a later point in time and upon a RECIST360 report refresh.

PR boundary

This icon and dashed line represents the PR boundary.  It is present as a visual aid to identify, via the graphic, when the sum of all lesions enters this zone (but does not represent a CR event). This icon is fixed in position from baseline. 

Study periods

Study period: Screening, treatment phase or post treatment phase.

Read more about RECIST360
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